The selection by Oberto
The experience gained from interacting with breeders led Macelleria Da Piero to create a new quality standard. The Fassona was born and the Oberto family are pioneers in its creation: 100% Piedmontese breed meat obtained exclusively from female cattle of over 36 months and aged for at least two weeks.
From piero to Oberto
Thanks to the success of Fassona, in 2010 Macelleria Da Piero moved from the center of Alba to a larger space in Roddi. This is the start of Oberto, the brand representing more than 50 years of Daniele’s tireless dedication to the selection of the best Piedmontese breeds.
Oberto sets the standard for the selection, processing and international distribution of Piedmontese Fassona meat, of which it can boast birth right.